Flashback Friday: Nick’s 1st Birthday Party – Daniel Tiger Themed


Had I been a good blogger and kept up with this blog last year, I would have been able to document all of my DIY madness that led up to a very eventful first birthday party for my little one. But, since I wasn’t.. I will have to recap it all in this one post.

When Nick was about five months old I began to pin different “First Birthday” theme ideas on Pinterest. The first theme I had settled on at the beginning of the planning process was “The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar.” I had numerous pins waiting for me to get my hands on and start prepping for Nick’s birthday party. However, when it came down to it, my plans were changed when Nick became O B S E S S E D with a little tiger by the name of Daniel. From that moment on, I started pinning every single Daniel Tiger DIY I could find. Check out the Board here.

I spent almost every night for the few months leading up to Nick’s first birthday slaving away, doing DIY’s left and right.

I bought packs of these brown paper bags at target and cut out the trolley from foam paper, purchased at Michael’s.
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I made these letters from cardboard (check out Pinterest for DIY cardboard 3d letters) and wrapped them in different colors of construction paper. The last touch was printing out the characters and gluing them to the letters.
As luck would have it, my husband had recently bought a portable basketball hoop which was just the right size for me to create this photo frame. I glued red construction paper to cover it. The “happy birthday” sign was found at the bull’s eye playground at Target.
For the invitations, I made them out of construction paper purchased at Michael’s. They opened up and inside was the information for the party and the other side was a picture of Nick. These definitely took a lot of time to make due to all the detailed cutting.
Since we had just moved in the late of January to our new house, we had a lot of cardboard boxes. All of this was made with cardboard, the signs were painted with acrylic paint, the letters I made templates for by printing them out in regular white paper. The “stem” was wrapped with gift wrapping paper and since it wouldn’t stay up, my husband stapled the whole thing to a pallet board we had in the garage. This was placed in the front of our house to let people know where the party was.


This was a quick DIY. I went to the Dollar Tree, bought a Mickey cupcake holder and glued tissue paper around it. I also had a Daniel Tiger coloring book I had bought for Nick at Michael’s that I used to cut off the cover and glue it on top of the cupcake holder.
The centerpieces were made out of clay pots that I bought at Lowe’s. I painted the Daniel Tiger body onto them with acrylic paint. The little “tree” was made with pieces of tissue paper glued onto a Styrofoam ball. This was probably my favorite.

The actual event had about forty of our closest friends and family members. We filled our backyard with tables, a jumper, and little kids running around. The one bad thing? Nick decided to wake up very early said day and not take any naps :(. So… Mr. Nick decided to call it a night at 7PM on the day of his birthday party. This is why people say not to throw a first birthday, right?

All in all, I am going to categorize his birthday as a success. Where the all-nighters worth it? Yes, but I may just be speaking as a crazy obsessed mom so if you ask my husband he will probably say… never again. He actually already said I – err I mean  Nick cannot chose a theme that is not easily found at party stores for the following birthdays. Boring! No fear, I already started pinning for his second birthday, and the theme I am currently leaning towards is at party stores (sort of.) For the following birthdays, however, I will not make as many cupcakes as I did this time. Oh right, I forgot to mention that I did all of the cupcakes and my mom helped me with the food. Also, for next time I think I’m going to stick to something easy like pizza.

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The cake (I was told) was delicious. The top was red velvet and the bottom was chocolate. The tiger could have been a little less orange but I absolutely loved the Trolley.
There were 2 banners of pictures of Nick from birth to present, this one made by me and for the other one the pictures were chosen by my husband.

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Oh hey, that’s my husband!


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Here you can also see my fur baby (top right hand corner) oh and my neighbor’s feet lol.
Nick’s actual birthday was on a Sunday, we held his party on the Saturday. This picture is from Sunday when we had him do his Smash Cake, which I also made for him. (And he finally got to wear the crown lol)

Sometime in February/March I will start blog sections re DIY’s for Nick’s second birthday. For the time being, I’m done with planning for the next couple of months.




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